One of the most unique parts of visiting a bed and breakfast is getting to know the innkeepers and other guests. Sometimes, a weekend getaway leads you to meet lifelong friends you look forward to visiting year after year. The personal touch provided by innkeepers is crucial to an unforgettable stay, and we thought turn-around is fair play. We hope you have fun getting to know 10 things about us.

1. Why we became innkeepers:

We were first exposed to bed and breakfasts in Virginia at our own wedding. We wanted our marriage ceremony to have the special intimacy and flair that only a Virginia bed and breakfast small wedding or elopement can provide. After numerous champagne toasts, enthusiastic support from loved ones, and the unparalleled service received from the smaller bed and breakfast wedding venue, we were hooked! Three years later, we launched our own plan to own a bed and breakfast in Virginia and realized our dream in September 2006. 

2. Our favorite part of the job:

(Sharon) Food has always been a very meaningful part of my life.  Serving someone a good meal is how I show love and friendship.  I love doing that for my guests every morning!

(Sam) I love doing the final night time check, turning off the lights, securing the inn, knowing that I had a great day, a job well done, and all the guests are safe, happy, and shedding all their stress.

3. The 3 things we can’t live without:

(Sam) Cheese! I tried living without cheese and bacon once and nearly died, so I won’t ever do that again.

(Sharon) I also can’t live without cheese, a good book, or a big belly laugh.

4. How we share the workload:

The first two years of inn ownership we were fastidious about cross-training each other on all tasks.  Soon we each figured out what we each didn’t like to do and luckily there was no overlapping!  So now we tease each other that Sam is CEO and CFO and Sharon is COO and CMO.

5. Our favorite spot at the Holladay House:

(Sharon) The parlor because the lighting and the music sets the atmosphere for relaxation and reconnecting – even if it is with Shadow, our inn cat.

(Samuel) The back porch in springtime with a cup of coffee with the birds singing and the flowers popping.

6. The funniest story as innkeepers (yet…):

When we first bought the inn, many of the previous inn guests didn’t know the inn transferred ownership.  The first year was filled with a good amount of explaining to guests who we were and making sure they understood our commitment to hosting. 

One Tuesday afternoon a gentleman 80 years young knocked on the front door. Sam opened the door to let him in, but he refused to enter the inn. Despite Sam’s explanation, the gentleman stayed dubious of our ability to run the establishment. After a further discussion he blurted out: I bet you can’t even fry an egg!  Sam did convince him to enter the inn and stay with us for his reservation. He became one of our most outspoken cheerleaders and dearest friend.

7. Best advice we have received:

(Sharon) Three days before we got married, Sam’s sister-in-law pulled me aside and said: “Make sure to stop midway through your reception and just stand there.  Take in everything.  Take your moment and remember it always.”  Not only did I do that at our wedding, but I carry that philosophy for all of life’s moments big and small.

8. Our life motto:

(Sharon) With roots solidly planted in marching band geek soil, the hollered instructions of my drill instructor still bang around inside my head: “don’t bring it on the field.”  “It” being anything that distracts from the job at hand needs.  No matter what is going on outside of hosting our guests, I always have a laser-focus on our guests’ happiness first.

(Sam) If you commit to something, do it 110%. If you won’t, then don’t do it at all.

9. Favorite breakfast item:

If there is any Crème Brulee French Toast leftover, let’s just say it doesn’t get thrown away.

10. Coffee, tea, beer, or wine?

Orange Roasters coffee, loose-leaf tea from Miss Minerva’s in Culpeper, local beer (no IPAs), Virginia wine, and whisky, depending on our mood 😊

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To our guests:

Thank you for being part of an experience we will never forget!

After almost 15 years of sharing this gorgeous home and lovely area, we are announcing our exit of inn ownership at the end of June.

We invite you to view The Holladay House Estate Sale site. From furnishings to decorative items, purchase your memory of The Holladay House.